Constructive communication

Constructive communication

The workplace as a crime scene – do you want to know what HR can learn from criminal psychologists? Our blog makes the connection for you.

Constructive communication

The crime scene involves a perpetrator, a victim and a crime. And, of course, a motive, such as the big question: What has driven him/her to do this?

This is a question for criminal psychology.

What does this have to do with HR?

Well… do you know what moves your employees? Do you know how things really are for them?  Behind every form of conduct there are real needs, and only these are the key when it comes to wanting to influence behaviour.

What criminal psychology has discovered about perpetrators and their motives can shape our communication and our interaction with each other.

Destructive behaviour at the workplace begins insidiously and spreads rapidly. Do not let your company become a crime scene. We have compiled seven wisdoms from criminal psychology for you:

1 The most aggressive form of communication is silence

2 We exude our personality every day from all pores (Sigmund Freud)

3 It is not critical what someone says, but what he/she does.

4 Lack of communication creates insecurity. Insecurity creates anxiety. Anxiety creates aggression. Against oneself, or against others.

5 Don’t just learn the laws of life from books, but also from the law of the street.

6 There are people who live experiences that we cannot understand.

7 Insults cause illness.

Published: 10. May 2017

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