Talent management

Talent management

Developing potential

People who do the right thing are the greatest factor for success. Make your business more successful by using the right people in the right places: discover strengths and develop potential. With a good talent management, you not only inspire your employees, but also translate strategic company objectives into clear operational objectives.

Challenges in Talent management

Employees form the foundation for the success of a company with their skills and competencies. This knowledge alone shows how important it is to strengthen the employees and to develop them individually.

Talent management affects several areas: recruiting, initial and further training, e-learning, performance management, MbO and career and succession planning. Furthermore, each company has a different company size, works in a different sector and cultivates a different culture: these aspects must also be taken into account in talent management.

Last but not least, a working collaboration between personnel departments, management staff and employees is essential for the further development of each individual.

Why talent management
makes your employees happier…

The performance of employees is increased. They can work in a more target-oriented manner, be involved in the process of agreeing targets and assume responsibility.

Employees are aware of their training opportunities and have no unnecessary administrative barriers

The prospect of continuing professional development and clear perspectives is motivating.

Thanks to an appropriate and fair remuneration scheme, employees are satisfied with their salary.

…and your company more successful:

Company strategies are often only set, but not put into practice. With good talent management, you close the gap between strategy and implementation.

The company strategy is communicated more quickly and its implementation is better controlled.

Remuneration systems with clear wage and bonus distribution are clear and simplify the salary and bonus rounds.

Motivated employees are in the interests of every company. Successful talent management creates exactly this and is therefore indispensable.

A high level of employee loyalty reduces the staff turnover rate.

Talent management Strategies

We would be happy to advise you on all aspects of talent management. We are your sparring partner who works with you to develop and implement your strategy in terms of target agreement and assessment, development, learning, succession planning and compensation. We are also happy to dive into the depths of all these topics with you and to develop concrete, effective and realisable concepts, instruments and processes. We attach great importance to people and accompany the  important change from the old to the new.

It is also time to break new ground in performance management.  Click here for our consulting services for Agile Performance Management and OKR.

Inspiration meeting

In the HR inspiration meeting, we talk with you for 60 minutes about your HR strategy: we will listen to you, dream up new opportunities and give you honest feedback - free of charge.

Learn more

Talent management Software

The right software is indispensable for successful talent management. HR Campus provides you with the right HR software products with benefits that include the following:

  • Integration into digital personnel dossiers
  • 100% web based (cloud)
  • Integration into SAP and SuccessFactors
  • Integration of recruiting
  • Self-explanatory and largely training-free use
  • Can be integrated into any existing HR and IT landscape
  • Mobile app
  • Comprehensive flexible analysis
Umantis Talent Management

Umantis Talent Management

Modern talent management suite


SAP SuccessFactors – the intelligent HR suite

SAP SuccessFactors – the intelligent HR suite

the leading cloud-based HCM solution




HR all-in-one solution for small and medium-sized companies


Gravity Global

Gravity Global

User adoption software for more integrated business processes


Need more support? Yes please!

Should you desire more support than single software products can provide: HR Campus is happy to provide more comprehensive support for your HR department. And exactly where it makes sense for you.

Either with our comprehensive HR Campus Suite. Or by means of real manpower: You can outsource individual HR tasks to us (HR Services) or hire experienced temporary HR specialists from us (HR People). The choice is yours:

We would be happy to turn your company upside down with new and above all creative ideas. Our talent management solutions bring a real breath of fresh air into HR!

Daniel Wohl

HR Consultant
HR Campus


SAP SuccessFactors – talent management re-imagined

SAP SuccessFactors – talent management re-imagined

Focus on employees


Outperformed performance management?

Outperformed performance management?

Companies are drawn away from the classic assessment. An option for agile targeting is the OKR approach.



A SELECTION OF OUR talent management customers

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