Employment references outsourcing

Employment references outsourcing

Get ready-made employment references for your employees

Employment references outsourcing

Producing employment references is tedious, challenging and requires a great deal of effort from all involved, often leading to frustration. With our employment refrences outsourcing, you put this process in the hands of our experts and ensure that your employees are fairly assessed in compliance with formal guidelines.


  • Produced in a professional, individualized and timely manner
  • Interim references, leaving references and employment references
  • Compliant with Swiss employment law
  • Languages: German, English and French

Employment references outsourcing

Are you lacking the capacity to guarantee the timely preparation of employment references? Our Employment references outsourcing supports you in creating professional, individualized and prompt employment references that comply with Swiss employment law. Our service is guaranteed for the production of interim references, leaving references and training certificates in German, English and French. Our service takes the load off your HR department, shortens the production process and ensures your employees are satisfied. 

Our employment references outsourcing is based on IWP AG’s swiss+ employment-reference solution. You license web-based software based on more than 8000 industry-specific, multilingual text blocks. The criteria and text blocks can be freely edited, expanded and adapted to the needs of the organization. For employment and interim references, they are stored in past and present forms as well as gender-specifically, depending on the target group and language.
Web-based assessment forms are used as tools for line managers. The system produces an editable draft reference based on the line manager’s assessment, and this can then be further processed in Microsoft Word.

Adaptation to the company-specific assessment system

This improves the quality and speed of the process for producing references, and makes it possible to provide employees with fair and transparent assessments. Adaptation to the company-specific assessment system or to a corresponding skills model is easy. Thanks to the direct involvement of employees and supervisors, as well as the use of comprehensible assessment templates, the employment-reference process is transparent to all parties involved. And your employment references are always perfectly formatted according to CD/CI (Corporate Design/Corporate Identity).

Do you have any questions?

Andrea Bannwart is looking forward to hearing from you and will be happy to answer your questions.


  • Produced in a professional, individualized and timely manner
  • Interim references, leaving references and employment references
  • Compliant with Swiss employment law
  • Languages: German, English and French

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